Ep164: Erectile Dysfunction and the Similarity Between Sleep and Sex Treatment with Dr. Heather England


“If we were better at talking about sex, then sometimes issues like erectile dysfunction wouldn't grow to be such big problems for people or such big problems in relationships because it's the silence of it that increases the shame that makes people avoid getting help in doing the things they need to do to work through it."

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common and treatable condition that affects over 300 million people worldwide. Many people believe that ED only affects older individuals, but it can occur in people of all ages. In fact, about 20% of people in their 20s will experience bouts of ED, which increases to 30% in their 30s, 40% in their 40s, 50% in their 50s, and so on. However, due to the shame and stigma surrounding ED, many people do not talk about it, which can exacerbate the problem.

Fortunately, ED is treatable through a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. Therapy can help individuals and couples address underlying psychological factors that may be contributing to ED, such as anxiety or relationship issues. Medications such as sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis) can improve blood flow to the penis, facilitating erections. Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, and increasing physical activity can also help improve ED symptoms.

It is important for individuals experiencing ED to seek help from a healthcare professional, as untreated ED can lead to relationship problems, decreased self-esteem, and even depression. Unfortunately, many people do not seek help due to the shame and stigma surrounding ED. However, by normalizing conversations about sex and seeking help when needed, individuals can improve their sexual health and overall wellbeing.

In this episode, Dr. Yishan talks with Dr. England about the common issue of erectile dysfunction and how it can affect relationships. They discuss the importance of seeking professional help and the evidence-based treatments available. Dr. England also shares insights on improving communication and intimacy in relationships. Additionally, they touch on the topic of sleep and ways to improve sleep quality. Don't miss out on this informative and engaging conversation! Check out the video on our YouTube channel at Mind Body Garden Psychology and visit Dr. England's website at https://www.lovefilledlife.com for more of her work.

“So the biggest non-medical cause of erectile disfunction would be anxiety." - Dr. Heather England

Are you so sleepy that you cannot focus? Are you tired of getting through the day drinking coffee? Are you worried how your poor sleep may impact your health? Checkout Dr. Yishan Xu’s Insomnia Treatment Course! 


[00:02:21] Erectile dysfunction statistics.

[00:04:39] Impact of ED on self-esteem.

[00:08:27] Erectile dysfunction causes.

[00:12:22] Partner's role in ED treatment.

[00:16:53] Redefining sex and pleasure.

[00:20:10] Communication about sex.

[00:24:11] Sleep and erectile dysfunction.

[00:28:15] Building Sexual Arousal.

[00:32:06] Men's negative thoughts during sex.

[00:36:29] Redefining sex in relationships.

[00:39:54] Erectile dysfunction and couples therapy.

[00:43:55] Transforming sex life after ED.

[00:48:00] Online sleep videos.

[00:52:00] Sex as a science.


Are you so sleepy that you cannot focus? Are you tired of getting through the day drinking coffee? Are you worried how your poor sleep may impact your health? Checkout Dr. Yishan Xu’s Insomnia Treatment Course! 

10% off coupon "MINDBODYGARDEN", for Dr. England's ED course: https://www.lovefilledlife.com/erectile-dysfunction-masterclass

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