Ep090: Sleep Time and School Time: How to Prepare Your Child for the Coming School Year - With Dr. Schneeberg


Are you one of those parents who is thinking on how to prepare your kid for the coming school year? There are a lot of adjustments that need to be done in order for your child to be school-ready, especially on the school time schedule. But how can you train your kids to wake up early after a good long vacation?


For this week's episode, I am so honored to have again on the show Dr. Lynelle Schneeberg a pediatric sleep psychologist, an assistant professor at the Yale School of Medicine, and also the author of the book “Become Your Child's Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor's 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10”. She will share new ways on how to prepare your kids’ body clocks for the coming school year. Dr. Schneeberg will also tell us how important sleep is not just for kids but also for adults. Tune in and learn new techniques on how to smoothly put your kids to sleep and make them better sleepers. 


  • 01:40 Dr. Schneeberg’s suggestion to parents on how they can help their children adjust their sleep time and wake-up time in preparation for school schedules: Focus on the Rise Time

  • 02:57 Three most important ways to set your kids' circadian clock in the morning

  • 04:55 How to smoothly put your kids’ to sleep: The bedtime basket

  • 07:30 Do The bedtime ticket!

  • 09:24 Does the bedtime basket and ticket method works for both kids and teenagers

  • 10:07 Why you should not choose the most interesting bedtime basket: Don’t read the best seller

  • 10:45 Challenges parents encounter when they try to incorporate these bedtime techniques and how they can fix them: Tailor the bedtime routine

  • 12:06 How to avoid screen time before bedtime

  • 13:13 What is the perfect time frame for parents to start preparing their kids to adjust their sleep and wake up time before the school year starts 

  • 14:02 Talk to your kids about the changes: Kids love ownership

  • 15:27 What is school plus two concept 

  • 16:10 Can you catch up sleep when you sleep a lot on the weekends

  • 17:33 Dr. Schneeberg’s book: “Become Your Child's Sleep Coach: The Bedtime Doctor's 5-Step Guide, Ages 3-10”

  • 19:30 Dr. Schneeberg’s advice on parents who are thinking on how they can prepare their kids on school time schedule this year: Teach your kids to Value their Sleep 


You can also check my interview with Dr. Schneeberg on my Youtube channel Mind & Body Garden Psychology just kindly click the link below. 


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